Today class

Hi everyone that see my blog haha, well… today we did a kahoot I did it with my classmate bleidy we won the first place in it, I liked the kahoot, that was very nice.

Then we continue with conversations about money and something like this, and we did a conversation with a example that the mister show to us.

My conversation with Bleidy 

A: I’m looking for a microwave, which is the more popular?

B: the Mabe. But it’s not the chepear, how much do you want to spend?

A: no more than 400.000

B: well the black & decker is less expensive than the mabe and is a great one.

A: okey, I’ll buy that one 

B: do you use credit card? We don’t have payment terminal now but in front of the local is a ATM

A: no I have cash don’t worry about it 


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