
Mostrando las entradas de noviembre, 2022

Conversation with my class mate


Today class

Hi everyone that see my blog haha, well… today we did a kahoot I did it with my classmate bleidy we won the first place in it, I liked the kahoot, that was very nice. Then we continue with conversations about money and something like this, and we did a conversation with a example that the mister show to us. My conversation with Bleidy  A: I’m looking for a microwave, which is the more popular? B: the Mabe. But it’s not the chepear, how much do you want to spend? A: no more than 400.000 B: well the black & decker is less expensive than the mabe and is a great one. A: okey, I’ll buy that one  B: do you use credit card? We don’t have payment terminal now but in front of the local is a ATM A: no I have cash don’t worry about it 

New English class

Hi everyone, well today we do like something new, we do in pairs an activity, we always work in the video beam but today we had like technical problems haha. But it wasn’t a problem we work great like always. I worked with my classmate kamila, the activity was something about the present continues and simple, w