
Mostrando las entradas de agosto, 2022

New topic, past simple

 Hi there! Well today we started a new topic and a new unity too, I feel great with my English class, I like it a lot. But well about today class we saw activities with vacations and I did a conversation with my classmate bleidy, the conversation was: Me-what did you do on vacation  Bleidy- I stayed at home and share with family Me-wow, nice did you have a good time? Bleidy-yes, for sure, we cooked a lot of foods Me- that sound nice That was the conversation, and we use the past simple in this.

Staying in shape

 Hi everyone. Well today in the class we talk again about something like how to stay in shape, we answer a question with two characters, the question was: what they do to stay in shape? And the characters was a surfer lady and a rugby man, and I answer that they have to train everyday, they have to eat healthy and something like this.  About the characters I liked they a lot, because the surfer lady doesn’t have an arm and she work hard to be the champ that she is, and the same thing with the man, he can’t move his legs but he work hard too for be the sportman who he is. That was a bit about my class of today.

Present continuous

 Today the class was a bit different, was more funny, we did a activity in a page named kahoot, me and my team won the first place, I did a team with Bleidy and Kamila, we did a very good teamwork. Then we did a activity with that the teacher show in the video vind, the activity was about complete sentence with present simple and continuous, good activity, so I learned a lot in this class, like always.

Present simple

 Well, today in the class we learned about the present simple we do some fun activities and in one activity I had to guess a sentence with my classmate’s performance.  The other activity was do a conversation with my friend bleidy, we do a short conversation it was like  A-hey bleidy, why don’t we go eat out sometime? B-ok, it’s good for me A-well, how about Saturday afternoon at 4? B-perfect, see you then  That was a resume about the class of present simple, I enjoyed it, was a excellent class 

Can, can’t and Have to

 I learned that we use can for possibilities and can’t un negative. Example:  A: what do you think about play soccer tomorrow ? B: I can’t, I have to study all day  That was an example in negative  And with have to I learned that we use it when we say something that is necessary or required an example of this is: A: do yo want to hang out this Friday? B: this Friday is impossible for me, I have to work That was what I learned, I’m liking this class and I’m learning a lot. 

Staying in shape

 What I do to stay in shape? I try to eat healthy, I train everyday two or three times a day, it’s depend on what I have to do. I’m crazy about the mma, I love to practice and compete  What is the hardest thing about being in shape for me? The hardest thing about being in shape for me is eat healthy for sure, I love eat and when I have to eat healthy for competitions is the hard part for me but it is what it is, we have to sacrfice things some times to get what we want.